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Sonara Krix

Fall Out – A Frame Tale of the Forgotten #5 is a video work that further explores the affect of absence and presence. I work with the archive - a document that reveals a hidden truth that pertains to some 500,000 Australian children; otherwise known as 'The Forgotten Australians'. My father became a ward of the state at the age of 5, when he and his siblings were charged with destitution. The year was 1945.

The poignant truth of my father's childhood is revealed through the palimpsest of performance with the archive. Each page of this document is taken, and the gestural retracing of my hand brings a felt presence, a warmth. The warmth becomes again cool as the copied letters are transferred onto alfoil - cold yet fragile. The continuous roll of the typed and written work free falls into a soft sculptural form. The weight of the archive is transformed into the fragility of the materiality, as the purging of truth is immanent to the notion of affect.

Video stills: A Frame Tale of the Forgotten #5, 2018, video, 00:10:16

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